Environmental crime is estimated to be the world’s fourth largest illicit market by value.
Wildlife trafficking is one crime that creates harm for social and ecological systems. Diverse sectors are working to combat trafficking of wild flora and fauna in source, transit and destination geographies.
The wildlife trafficking community is highly motivated and diverse; we collect a lot of data in multiple formats and from multiple sources. Like other sectors, we are building our Big Data capacity and applying evidence during decision-making.
In 2016, the wildlife trafficking community embarked on creating a data dictionary and set of geospatial data standards to help combat wildlife trafficking. This effort was designed to help overcome barriers to effective interventions previously impeded by difficulties in data compatibility. The products on this page were built upon broad engagement, iterative revisions and public discourse on three continents with mutisector stakeholders.
Policy documents
- United Nations Expert Group on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information
- Spatial Data Standards and GIS Interoperability
- African Union Strategy to Combat Illegal Exploitation and Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora in Africa
- European Union Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking
- U.S. National Strategy to Combat Wildlife Trafficking
- Building a Wildlife Economy Working Paper
The Standards
The standards and data dictionary are designed to be integrated with high and low tech data environments, and applied to any species of flora or fauna on any continent. They are intentionally responsive to regional, national and international agreements and strategies focused on combating wildlife trafficking.Download, apply them to your specific context, and deploy them using high or low tech methods.
The standards are intended to support decision-makers and decision-making. They are platform agnostic.
The data dictionary is intended for reference and guidance. Consider adapting definitions to fit your context, and share insights to improve usability.
Demographic Information
Demographic Information
Field Name: Date
Field Alias: Date
Field Definition: Date animal(s) killed or date when discovered
Field Values Source: –
Field Values (domain code/ field value): DD/MM/YYYY
Field Name: Country
Field Alias: Country
Field Definition: Country where source event happened
Field Values Source: ISO
Field Values (domain code/ field value):
Field Name: Place
Field Alias: City, Village, Park, etc.
Field Definition: What is the closest city or point of interest you can reference?
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Name of place
Field Name: SeizurePhase
Field Alias: Source, Transit, Destination
Field Definition: Was the animal or material found at the site of the poaching, is the material in transit, or is the material at its destination?
Field Values Source: –
Field Values (domain code/ field value): “Source”, “Transit”, or “Destination”
Field Name: WhoColl
Field Alias: Who Collected the Data
Field Definition: Who collected the data? It could be the name of a person, organization, etc.
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Name
Field Name: Contact
Field Alias: Contact Info
Field Definition: Contact information may be left voluntarily if one wishes to be contacted about this data collection
Field Values Source: –
Field Values (domain code/ field value): Email, Phone Number, Address, etc.
Field Name: Hidden
Field Alias: Hidden Name and/or Contact Info
Field Definition: Option to hide name and contact info from public consumption
Field Values Source: –
Field Values (name/ contact info): “Yes” or “No” in each field
Animal Information
Animal Information
Field Name: AnimalStatus
Field Alias: Is/Are the animals alive or dead?
Field Definition: All or a portion of the animals seized may be alive at the time of seizure
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: “Alive” or “Dead”
Field Name: SpeciesGroup
Field Alias: Species Group
Field Definition: Group of species that the type of animal(s) belongs to
Field Values Source: Environmental Conservation Online System
Field Values (domain code/ field value):
Field Name: Animal
Field Alias: Type of Dead/Alive Animals
Field Definition: The common species name for the found at the crime scene
Field Values Source: Environmental Conservation Online System
Field Values (domain code/ field value):
Field Name: NumAnimal
Field Alias: Number of Animals
Field Definition: The number of individual animals found at the crime scene
Field Values Source: –
Field Values (domain code/ field value): Integer
Weapons Information
Weapons Information
Field Name: CatWeapon
Field Alias: Category of Weapon
Field Definition: Category of weapon used against animal
Field Values Source: Wikipedia
Field Values (domain code/ field value):
Field Name: OtherCatWeapon
Field Alias: Other Category of Weapon
Field Definition: Field to describe other type of weapon category. This field will only appear if the value “Other category of weapons” is selected in the previous field.
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Description
Field Name: TypeWeapon
Field Alias: Type of Weapon
Field Definition: Specific type of weapon
Field Values Source: Wikipedia
Field Values (domain code/ field value):
Field Name: OtherFireArm
Field Alias: Describe Firearm
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “OtherF” or “UnsureF” is selected
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Firearm description here
Field Name: OtherKnife
Field Alias: Describe Knife
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “OtherK” or “UnsureK” is selected
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Knife description here
Field Name: OtherPolearm
Field Alias: Describe Polearm
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “OtherPA” or “UnsurePA” is selected
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Describe Polearm here
Field Name: OtherBladed
Field Alias: Describe other bladed weapon
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “OtherOB” or “UnsureOB” is selected
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Describe bladed weapon here
Field Name: OtherBlunt
Field Alias: Describe blunt object
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “OtherB” or “UnsureB” is selected
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Describe blunt object here
Field Name: OtherPoison
Field Alias: Describe Poison
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “OtherP” or “UnsureP” is selected
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Describe poison here
Field Name: OtherExplosives
Field Alias: Describe Explosives
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “OtherE” or “UnsureE” is selected
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Describe explosives here
Field Name: OtherArchery
Field Alias: Describe Archery Weapon
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “OtherA” or “UnsureA” is selected
Field Values Source: –
Field Values (domain code/ field value): Describe archery weapon here
Field Name: BulletFound
Field Alias: Bullet Found at Scene
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “Firearm” is selected in the CatWeapon field
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: “Yes” or “No”
Field Name: NumBullF
Field Alias: Number of bullets found
Field Definition: This field will only appear is the value “yes” is selected in BulletFound field
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: An interger
Field Name: TypeBullet
Field Alias: Type of Bullet
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “Yes” is selected in BulletFound field. Describe what the bullet is made out of or its special characteristic.
Field Values Source: Wikipedia
Field Values (domain code/ field value):
Field Name: OtherBullet
Field Alias: Describe Bullet
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “Other” or “Unsure” is selected in the TypeBullet field
Field Values Source: –
Field Values (domain code/ field value): Describe the bullet here
Field Name: Caliber
Field Alias: Caliber of Bullet Found
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “Yes” is selected in the BulletFound field. You must select the size of the bullet in millimeters (mm)
Field Values Source: Wikipedia
Field Values (domain code/ field value):
Field Name: OtherCal
Field Alias: Describe/Estimate Caliber
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “Other” or “Unsure” is selected in Caliber field
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Describe or estimate the caliber of the bullets found here
Field Name: LengthBlade
Field Alias: Length of Blade
Field Definition: This field will only appear if the value “Knife”, “Polearms”, or “OtherBlade” is selected in the CatWeapon field. Describe/estimate the length of the blade in millimeters (mm)
Field Values Source: Input length of blade here
Field Values (domain code/ field value):
Field Name: OtherWeapon
Field Alias: Other Evidence of Weapons
Field Definition: If there is other evidence of weapons found at the poaching site, or any other pertinent information not covered by previous categories, then fill out this field
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Description here
Seizure Information
Seizure Information
Field Name: HowSeizure
Field Alias: How was the seizure found?
Field Definition: Details about how the seizure was successful
Field Values Source: –
Field Values:
Field Name: SeizureCrimeLocation
Field Alias: Physical Location of the Material
Field Definition: Where was the material found? Was it packed, in a home, or vehicle?
Field Values Source: –
Field Values:
Field Name: SeizureCrimeOther
Field Alias: Other criminal material?
Field Definition: Was there other criminal aspects at the crime scene, such as other illicit goods?
Field Values Source: –
Field Values:
Origin Information
Origin Information
Field Name: OriginPapers
Field Alias: Additional Origin Papers Found
Field Definition: If the animal was found in transit, does additional paperwork exist? Additional paperwork might give details about the origin. This field will only populate if the field value for “SeizurePhase” is transit or destination.
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: “Yes” or “No”
Field Name: OriginCountry
Field Alias: Origin Paper Country
Field Definition: If there was paperwork found with the animal, where is its origin? This field will only populate if the field value for “OriginPapers” is yes.
Field Values Source: –
Field Values (domain codes/ field values):
Field Name: OriginalLocation
Field Alias: Origin Paper Place
Field Definition: If the paperwork found has specific location details, they go here. This field will only populate if the field value for “OriginPapers” is yes.
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Place name, such as a city, village, or park.
Field Name: Date/ Time Papers
Field Alias: Additional Dates
Field Definition: Is there additional paperwork that describes a timeline, or a specific date and time?
Field Values Source: –
Field Values: Additional timeline information
Geospatial standards are not unique to wildlife trafficking
Many sectors actively use geospatial standards and many organizations are actively using standards in their wildlife trafficking work. These existing efforts provide a good background for groups that are just getting started. For groups that are already using geospatial standards, consider comparing and contrasting your efforts to others being used.
Scientific literature
Case Studies
Geospatial standards are not unique to wildlife trafficking
Many sectors actively use geospatial standards and many organizations are actively using standards in their wildlife trafficking work. These existing efforts provide a good background for groups that are just getting started. For groups that are already using geospatial standards, consider comparing and contrasting your efforts to others being used.
In the field